Tuesday 27 November 2007

When things get you down.....

1. Accept the situation
Resisting your situation makes you feel worse. Accept things as they are and your brain will find solutions. You cannot change what has happened, so it is better – and healthier – to start asking yourself, “How can I overcome this?”

2. Welcome change

Nothing [ever] stays the same and, in my experience, when people look at change as a positive event, the fear reduces and they start taking action.

3. Don’t be a victim
If you blame a person or external event for your situation, you have by definition become a victim. Make it a habit to take responsibility for your own life, and not appoint blame.

4. Recognise opportunity
Adversity is always an opportunity for growth. When life gets tough say to yourself, “Something great is going to come of this”. At first it will feel insincere, but keep at it and it will become second nature.

5. Find support
Find a mentor, someone who doesn’t buy into failure, a person that will say, “What are you going to do next?” and then support you through each step. Do not allow pessimistic people to hold you back by feeding into negativity. Good support will reinforce your decisions and actions, and give encouragement when your optimism is floundering.

Have a great day!

Tel: 0800 634 3320


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