Saturday 26 April 2008


In todays society we are conditioned into a collective consciousness of fear. One only has to watch or listen to the news to wonder what on earth is happening to our world.

Violence and instability dominates the headlines, and we somehow begin to feel that we are a part of it all.

Lack of self esteem also grounds us into the muddy ruts of our lives. We become apathetic, powerless, angry or depressed. There is much talk of 'inner strength' but how is that accessed when the mind and body is frozen with fear?

In my experience, I have observed that the first stage in conquering fear is to simply notice when and how we are feeling it. There may be some physical symptoms like: -

  • Shallow breathing

  • Tight chest

  • Shaking

  • Feeling of panic

  • Heightened senses

It is also pretty much 100% certain that your 'inner voice' will be frantically throwing food to the fear, trying to convince you that the fear is justified.

What to do
Simply become aware that this is an aspect of your inner self that thinks it is helping you. Listen and observe and then choose to ignore it. Pushing it away will give it power, but listening and then choosing to feel a different way, will weaken its grip on you.

Fear is like a bottle of lemonade that has been shaken up. As long as we keep shaking the bottle, the pressure will grow. But releasing the pressure a little at a time will enable us to open the bottle fully when the pressure has abated. This is a little like our state of fear.

When you learn how to become witness to your emotions you automatically begin to develop emotional intelligence. This state of being allows you to make positive choices about the way you react to and interact with your world. You don't have to be part of the drama of life. You can write our own script and choose which part you play.

Fear only has the power to imobilise you if you allow it to. So next time you recognise this state creeping up on you, watch, listen and learn.

Tel: 0800 634 3320


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