Thursday 12 March 2009

Going with the flow

Yesterday I had an ex student call me up. She is a wonderful girl, and it was great to hear from her. She is a student from my healing horses teaching days. I don't do this any longer, it just seemed the right time to stop a few years back.

She called to ask me a few questions about her current journey. She was being guided to start an animal practice, and wanted my insights. I gave them gladly. What followed was an interesting conversation about going with the flow of life, and what happens when we resist.
I know about resisting. I had crawled along on broken glass with bleeding knees, for the best part of my life doing it. I could lecture in resisting, maybe get a degree even. But that is the past. I thought, silly me, that I had stopped resisting, but it is not until something weird hits us that we think, 'what the heck, where is THIS going?'
I made some decisions lately, no, hang on, lets get this right, they weren't actual decisions. They were 100% gut instinct, intuition, subconscious brainwave activity maybe. No sir, they definitely had little to do with my conscious mind.
I took action, pretty massive action actually, and still, as I did it, wondered what I was doing. But, and here's the interesting thing, the response from a handful of people has been incredible. One lady said that she has never related to anything so much in her life. O'er, that's sounds good. Maybe, just maybe I am onto something radical here. Maybe, oh crikey, maybe I am on the right path for the success that eluded me all those years I fought like a caged tiger.
This letting go and going with the flow, it's easy to say isn't it. But it isn't so easy to do. I believe that this change has come about for me after years of meditating. I just changed around four weeks ago to Kelly Howell's brainwave technology and they certainly seemed to have kicked in some pretty amazing stuff.
I do go adrift don't I? What was I saying? Ah yes, stop resisting! Just give up. Hand it over to the universe, God, Great Spirit, your cat or whatever floats your boat. The minute I dropped the reins and said, 'it's a fair cop' the message came back, 'well it's about bloody time you stubborn woman!'
The only way to do it is to do it, and to do it daily. Every time you start 'plotting' and 'planning' your future, remind yourself to stay in the now, enjoy this very moment and live to be happy. Happiness is what we are all after in the end anyway, whether it is wrapped up in material objects, spirituality or relationships, it is ultimately what we all, as human beings, seek in this life.
Take care
Tel: 0800 634 3320

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