Saturday 1 November 2008

Desire V Intention

I have only one real desire. My lifelong dream, since I was a very small child, is to own a smallholding, somewhere calm & peaceful where I can have my horses, alpacas and llamas, chickens, sheep, ducks & goats!

Somewhere with stables and barns and potential training rooms... I know what it looks like - I can feel it - but it hasn't arrived yet!

One Christmas Eve, when I must have been around five or six years old, I found it hard to sleep. I worried that Santa would think I was naughty if he found me awake. I tossed and turned and thought I would never fall asleep. But I did. In the early hours of the morning, in the half light, I woke up to see that he had been. Yay! There was a red sack at the bottom of the bed, but there was also something on top of my chest of drawers.

I got out out bed and felt this 'something' all over with my hands. It was made of wood. There seemed to be buildings and fences! As my eyes adjusted, I realised that Santa had bought me a farm! Well, we know now that my dad had made me a wooden farm. It was wonderful. The 'grass' had been painted green, the buildings orange & brown and it had little white fences. The stables even had little proper doors! I soon added my collection of plastic animals to my farm and played with it hour upon hour.

I was so happy!

I don't know what happened to that farm. I guess as I became older and made contact with real horses, that I lost interest in playing with my farm and animals. But I still have all of those animals in a plastic bag under the stairs. My collection, strangely, includes giraffes, elephants and gorillas. You don't see many of those on British farms!

Over the years, I have done all sorts of visualisations & affirmations. I even had a period where I tried 'magik spells' [ooer!] I have created wish boards with big pictures of the sort of place that I want - and yet I am no nearer to getting it. I live in a lovely cottage, on a farm and my horses are at home, but it's a rental property and there are limitations as to what I can do. Anyway that's not important - what is important is that today I had a huge realisation, and its this....

As long as my dream remains a desire I might never have it!

There! There it is, I have said it!

I truly believed that my desire was directing me towards my dream but, on reflection, maybe it was keeping me from it.

But if I change that desire to an INTENTION, I have a good chance of obtaining it.

Desire is like having a set of fluffy car seats to make your car feel more comfortable - if that's your thing! - but intention is the fuel that actually makes your car go, and five star rocket fuel at that! Wow! What a realisation this is! How could I have missed this? D'oh!

I have been asked what I would like my business to be like, and I have a sense of what I want, and an idea of how to achieve it. But I haven't got my battle gear out and stood behind that intention.

My small team of helpers provide me with support, but what they see in me is a dream. If I asked them if they recognised my 100% kick ass intention, I bet they would say 'er .. no!' I surmise that they think the business may work or it may not, and think I am OK with it either way. And that, to be fair, is how I felt...until today. I prided myself on not being attached to an outcome.

Getting my smallholding is not going to happen without action. I might be lucky and win the lottery, or maybe some generous benefactor may give me a farm - but it isn't likely.

Intention creates: -

  • Action

  • Enthusiasm

  • Tools

  • Other peoples support

  • Opportunities

  • Energy

  • Focus

  • Drive

  • Determination

The list could go on, but you get the picture.

What is it that you want? Is it still a dream? Are you simply desiring it? Right now decide to commit yourself to your intention. Ask yourself power questions like 'what do I need to do to get started on my intention' and keep asking focused action packed open questions. Your enthusiasm will attract others to you, and keep you focused when the obstacles start trying to get in your way.

My intention is to get my smallholding. The steps that will take me there are, as yet, unknown. But given the above list, it cannot fail to create the very thing that I intend to get. No doubt there will be some delightful surprises along the way... and I am ready for them all.

Obstacles?? Pah! Bring them on......

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