Thursday 13 November 2008


It is all too easy to stay in our comfort zone. We may not like it, but we always kind of know what will happen on a day to day basis. As a tool for personal growth, I have to tell you it sucks!

Like you, I have been guilty of creating a lovely warm nest for my comfort zone. When my soul tells me, 'Oi! wake up! It's time to get out of this bed and go do something', I usually manage to ignore it. Or at best I 'pretend' to do something, and then crawl back under the duvet.

Since dad died, my nest had got real warm. Snuggled up in the blankets of reclusivity, self pity, anger and denial, I was going to have to be winkled out with a crowbar. Intellectually, I knew that what I was doing was 'wrong', but then I convinced myself that the grieving process takes time, it was too early, it was the wrong day of the month, I could start tomorrow, it didn't feel the right time to take action...blah blah flipping blah.

Fortunately, my soul is made of sterner stuff. Despite the fact that it must be exhausted from kicking my butt around for the last few months, it still managed to set my alarm, boot me out of bed and get me in the car for 9am this morning. I was going to a women's speed networking event. Yay! Snore!

At 7:30 am this morning, the devil on my back {D.O.M.B} was saying, 'stay in bed Janny. You are lovely and warm, the dogs are snuggled up to you, you don't want to go out in the cold on such a nasty day as this. Stay in bed. It will probably be full of women that make cakes for a living anyway'. The D.O.M.B can sound pretty convincing.

Puffing up like an irate blowfish, my soul pulled back the covers and yelled, 'GET UP....NOW!!'

Exit D.O.M.B!

I used to be a real shy soul, so driving to this event I felt myself rising and falling between courage and cowardice, 'what about if no one likes me?' my inner child whined. 'Like that's going to happen!' my inner warrior bounced back. And so it went on.

Twenty women in one room. It sounds a nightmare doesn't it? But it was great, fab, inspirational and so well worth sliding out of bed for.

I am ashamed to say that it's the first networking event I have done for over a year. Somehow my ex business partner and I convinced each other that networking was not for us. Scaredy cats I now realise!

I spoke to most of the women, and synergystically connected with three or four ladies that I felt a real link with. I already have a meeting with one lady, and plans to get together for a coffee with three others. One lady I know is going to make an impact on my project for Help for Cancer.

This fun event also made me realise how passionate I am about my programme. I love the corporate work, but I noticed that when I talked about the cancer project, I lit up, totally lit up. Now you and I know that my soul is saying, 'hey, get it now eh?' and yes okay, I understand and am now committed to stretching those 'take action' muscles to get myself out there.

You don't know who you are until you stretch. You don't know how powerful you are until you take a step nearer the bar. You have no idea of the mass of potential inside of you, until you see it reflected in other peoples eyes.

So get out of bed right now, ditch the comfort blankets and go look for you star!

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