Monday 17 November 2008

Cutting through the layers

When I started my coaching practice in 2004, I had no idea of how much I would learn from my clients. In the early days, I would see my own issues facing me, and be forced to deal with them head on.

I am a great believer in turning round to face our demons, no matter how ugly and foul these demon(s) might - at first - appear to be.

But it's too easy to become a master of denial, and that's your choice. The problem with the ostrich in the sand attitude is that we lose out on the exciting discovery of exactly how much potential we have. We live within the limitations that we have created, layer upon layer, covering up the power and the fulfilment that is lying dormant, just waiting for the flute of recognition to be played.

The layers of our sub conscious and sub personalities go deep. There are many ways to explore this, far too many to list here, but the first step is to develop awareness of when we are 'running away' from the truth.

Simply notice when you are: -
  • Feeling unsettled for no 'apparent 'reason
  • Making excuses
  • Switching your focus
  • Turning to addictive behaviour - reaching for the chocolate, alcohol or anything that pushes back the truth
  • Diverting attention to non essential activities - sudden urges to steam clean your trousers, sharpen every pencil in your desk or browse facebook for a few hours are good examples! :-)
  • Using logic, cynicism or intellect instead of heart, courage and intuition

This is a good start. Whatever you are doing - or not doing - just stop, and notice. You might say to yourself, 'that's interesting, look what I am doing'. Don't beat yourself up, nor, at this stage, try to stop the behaviour, just be aware of it.

Learn to become aware of: -

  • Your breathing - you may notice that your breathing becomes shallow, or you might hold your breath
  • Your body - Your body may tense up, shoulders become hunched or your body language become smaller
  • Your thinking - do you go on autopilot - what internal messages are you giving yourself?

For me, I noticed that I stopped breathing whenever I become nervous, agitated or angry. With enhanced awareness, I now immediately take calm deep yoga type breaths, pushing my tummy out when I breath in and sucking my tummy in when I breath out, It works a treat, restoring my equilibrium and focus.

It's a minefield of an area, and a definate favourite of mine. Watching people uncover the layers is exciting and rewarding, because once your brain starts to make the switch there is no going back. Progress is fast at this stage, like letting a bird out of a cage for the first time, there's a whole lot of flying to do!

Tel: 0800 634 3320


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