Thursday 22 January 2009

Gaining Focus

For many years, keeping my focus was an area where I lacked commitment. Experts tell us that we must set goals if we want to 'succeed'.

This was something I resisted for a LONG time, and I am so not alone!

During the downtime at Christmas I decided to sit down and work out what direction I wanted to take for 2009.

2008 had been a tough year, what with losing my dad to cancer, and struggling with a sick horse for three months. I knew that I had far too many balls up in the air and that if I didn't drop some of them I was in danger of severe burn out!

I decided that I wanted to work smarter. Focusing on creating a way of generating income from the things that I was really good at, I wanted to spend less time and effort driving the momentum to create these things.

What happened surprised me!

I qualified as a Life Coach in 2004, but never quite found the fulfillment and vision of success that I imagined. Why? BecauseI had not got clear about what it was that I wanted, and also what I didn't want.

Several things came out of it: -
  • I wanted to specialise in one area of expertise

  • I prefer face to face coaching, rather than telephone coaching

  • I love working with the horses to help people effect change

  • I wanted to specialise with women in business

  • I was keen to start a womens success coaching group

  • I had more influence than I believed I had

  • and much more

My point is, how many things are you doing that are:-

  1. Wasting your time

  2. Not fulfilling you

  3. Not rewarding you financially

  4. Not necessary

  5. Possible to be outsourced to someone else

  6. Draining the life from you!

Also, what things are you NOT doing that: -

  1. Could dramatically increase your income

  2. Transpose time for money scenarios

  3. Would create passion, momentum & enthusiasm

  4. Could increase your confidence & self esteem

  5. Could re-energise you

  6. Could change your life!

2009 could be a difficult year or it could be the best year you have ever had. It's your choice. Personally I believe that we emerge stronger from tougher times. If we can find the motivation, courage, integrity, passion and enthusiasm to keep going, then we will rise above these times with a far better model of success - and it is likley to be sustainable.

But - and this is most important - the greatest thing that I learned in 2008 is that you cannot do it on your own. We all need help.

Sign up for your free 'five golden rules to setting goals' report

Tata for now

Tel: 0800 634 3320


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