Friday 23 January 2009

Ending the drama

I think it was Shakespeare that said, 'All the worlds a stage and all the people are actors upon it', or words to that effect. After some years of daily meditation, I am beginning to understand the concept of this. Everyone is in the drama at some stage - if not all - of their lives.

I am a great fan of 'Scrubs', which is a comedy based in a hospital, currently on E4. In one episode Doctor Cox said 'Even though we are helping these people to get well, we are just delaying the end of the story, which is death' or words to that effect. It is the one great universal truth. We are all at some point going to die. And yet we continue day by day to play the drama.

We play the emotional role, swinging from one emotional state to another; joy to depression, anger to harmony and happiness to misery. None of it makes any sense! Then we play the career drama and the success drama, where we all struggle and strive to be better than we are [right now] so we can earn more money, get a better style of life, be free and live the way we want. But none of that is real anyway, because it is only money that makes this 'game' possible. If we lived in caves and hunted large hairy animals every day, we would only need to think about getting the next meal - and that would be it.

How much more simple would that be? Did prehistoric man have problems with confidence and self esteem, or is this only the drama born out of modern society? I suspect that prehistoric man just got on with things and didn't worry about what others thought of him.

You don't have to be a part of the drama of life. It is your choice as to whether you play the 'game' or not. Most people live a pretty boring life, and the drama is a cheap option for sparking it up a bit.

But as one moves towards enlightenment, one realises that happiness really does come from within and is enhanced by the simpleness of life. I find joy in watching spring lambs and new born calves boinging around the fields. We have snowdrops in the village today. How wonderful is that? Spring is so close, you can almost smell it and the birds sound different. Wonder if they get S.A.D?

Next time you are about to lose the plot, become upset, uptight, stressed or worried just think to yourself that this drama is all inside your head. You can make a definitive choice not to experience this in the same way, and just by making that choice you will not have to play a part in it. I can tell you that it is liberating, it's fun and it prevents a whole lot of unnecessary heartache.

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