Tuesday 27 January 2009

One step at a time

A few weeks ago, after hurting my arm - suspected torn ligaments - floor wrestling a 15 stone hulk during combat training - I couldn't do my weekly Aikido training, nor could I cycle my 2 hour 30 mile slog on a Saturday morning with Cheltenham County Cycling Club. So I decided to take up running to maintain and possibly increase my fitness.

I tried running a few years back but had problems with my ankle, and I wasn't very good at it. But, this time something had changed. At first I didn't recognise what that something was, as I shuffled up the road, puffing and pushing my resistant legs.

Two nights ago I managed to break my pattern of walk - run - walk and ran the whole 2 miles, which is no mean feat as it is a long 3/4 mile slog up a stiff hill out of the village. My beautiful dog Ellie running by my side, the Ipod pounding the right rhythmic beats into my brain, I began to feel as if running was becoming a moving meditation.

When you decide to step up, it is normal to encounter some resistant. The urge to stop was soooo strong. Hastily flicking on to my most motivational tracks on the ipod, I started talking to myself. Soon I was repeating a mantra.....

'step by step, one foot in front of the other - if I can do this step I can do the next step'

I kept repeating it, and soon I was flying down the hill towards home. Ellie galloped alongside me, her ears flapping in the wind. It felt good. As I zoomed into the gate, I hit my stop watch and was astonished to see I had beaten my best time by two minutes. Doesn't sound a lot, but it is.

That evening I thought about my mantra as a metaphor for business. Isn't this the thing we have to do in our businesses? No matter whether you are a sole trader or a huge corporation you can only move 'step by step' - Businesses grow from applying well considered strategies, creative thinking and by taking massive action 'One foot in front of the other'

We all need support along the way. I count myself to be very lucky on that score, but we have to build our foundations with the bricks and mortar of our own self beliefs. No one can do it for us - 'If I can do this step, I can do the next step'.

Over the last few days, I have seen opportunities that I think I maybe wouldn't have seen before, been given some tools for growth and feel more excited and motivated than I have so far this year. Just from that one mantra!

Life is about capturing important moments, seizing the meaning behind the apparently nondescript events.

Look out for great opportunities waiting just round the corner for you and tell us about your successes.

Take care

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