Friday 6 February 2009

Reality Check

I am sitting here writing this in front of a log fire, tucked up on the settee with two curled up sleeping dogs and with my laptop on my knees. As I look out into the garden, it is a shock every time to see two feet of glaringly white snow staring back at me.

It's been a strange week. We woke to heavy snow on Monday morning, and I haven't been out in the world at all. My days have consisted of looking after the horses - much more work in this weather as they need extra food and care - compiling audio on my web sites and creating podcasts, as well as my day to day writing. I am currently rewriting 'Life Coach in your pocket' so that I can build the programme into a CD package. Exciting! But hard work!

I usually work freelance for a client on a Tuesday, but couldn't go this week because of the weather . It would have been madness to try! At first he was ok about me not going, but last night he called me at 9:30pm, panicking because I hadn't been able to get there, not quite believing how bad it is in our village, which is on top of a big hill. Its a 9 mile cross country route and would be suicide for me to attempt it. I don't even think I would get the car off the slope on the drive at this point.

I realised how easy I personally had found it to had let go of what I thought I HAD to do this week, and how wonderful it was to just go with the flow of things, adapting to the circumstances.

Yesterday [Thursday] I took a day off. I had worked at the weekend and felt utterly exhausted by my absolute focus on my project. I took the dogs for a two hour walk, drank tea, ate toast and watched TV. Wow, did I feel better the next day!

It reminds me how our brains are hard wired to live within a routine, and how people can become increasingly worried or frustrated when their plans are thwarted.

Is anything that important that it can't be changed? It is fun to challenge the way that your brain works, by just refusing to go along with what it normally expects of you. The brain can be quite parental sometimes, and so how cool is it to just be a kid and play the rebellious teenager.

So, if you are snowed in and can't do what you planned to do, make a decision to enjoy what you can do, even if that is just having a cuddle with the cat. Time out is good for the body and soul, and a refreshed mind works so much better.

Take care and look to the spring!

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