Monday 16 February 2009

Thinking with the heart

What a great morning! The sun is shining, the snow is melting and at last the horses have grass! We have gone from snowy blizzards to 10 degree sunshine - it has to be England doesn't it.

Yesterday I had a long conversation about how you work out what you want in life. It always amazes me how many people don't have much idea of what they truly want. I have a theory, and I base it on my own experience on this subject.

My theory is that we start off - maybe when we are younger and haven't yet been prodded by life quite so much - knowing exactly what we want. For me, right from as far back as I can remember, it was a farm, with land and equestrian facilities. Somewhere along the line my dream became smaller, and one day I admitted that I didn't feel that I had a hope of achieving it. At the time, I was struggling to pay the bills, unsure of what to do next and a bit lost on my path.

So I think that what happens is that 'life' kind of takes the hope and optimism out of our dreams and, when that occurs, we lose sight of our dreams and then wonder why we don't know what we want any more.

Just imagine you are in a restaurant and absolutely want chocolate cake. You know the chocolate cake is on the menu, it's been there for years, you have it everytime you eat here. But this day, the waiter says, 'sorry madam, we have don't have chocolate cake on the menu anymore'. Shocked and mortified, you look at the dessert menu and, to be honest, there is nothing else on the menu that you want. So how can you be expected to know what you want, when what you desire isn't there? Does that make sense?

If you have taken your dream off the menu, you will spend the rest of your life 'settling' for things that perhaps don't truly resonate with you. Then you feel lost, confused and unsettled.

So what am I saying?
What I am saying is this 'don't give up your dream'. The universe has a way of making things happen, even if right now it looks like a total impossibility. I still can't afford my farm, but I have latched on to my dream again. Because what happens next is that you start to do the things that will attract the opportunities, or people, that will take you closer to your dream. But you have to believe it with all of your heart.

About the heart
I watched a programme at the weekend, about people that had received a heart transplant. They were saying that they seemed to have taken on some of the characteristics of the heart donar. It was amazing to hear their stories. One man had suddenly taken up sports - some high risk - and it turned out his donar was a stuntman. One man had become romantic and started writing poetry, and his donar was a poet. They didn't know these facts until they met the donar families.

Because of these astounding cases, scientists were toying with the idea that, contrary to belief, our emotions are not all stored in our brains, in fact they may be linked with our hearts. If this is true, then what I am saying makes total sense. Think with your heart. Love with your heart. Create with your heart. All of this brain stuff doesn't seem to get us very far half the time anyway, so why not give it a try?

Do you think with your heart or your head, or a balance of the two? Do share your thoughts and experiences here with us.

Take care


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