Friday 27 February 2009

It can be another way

The human brain has an uncanny way of getting stuck. When we feel 'trapped' during an unpleasant situation or phase of our lives, our thoughts can become circular. After a period of time, which will be different for everyone, we give up on hope. We can't see another way of life and cannot believe that things can ever get better.

With those thoughts rattling around in our heads, for sure we may suffer a lot longer than we need to. But the only way to escape our hell is to head for heaven. We must believe 100% that we have the power to change our own experiences.

At first it's hard, nothing seems to change. Indeed, it may become worse for a while. That's a test. What are you made of? Are you going to give up just because it gets a bit tough?

Imagine if you came back from the supermarket with someone elses shopping. Inside the bag were sweet, fattening processed ready meals, crisps, chocolate, cakes and all the stuff to clog up your heart. This is not what you want. You are a healthy eater, your bag contained fruit and veg, salads and lots of other fresh foods and healthy snacks. What do you do? Do you accept this rubbish bag of food, or do you take it back to the supermarket and change it for what you want?

It's that easy, once you get your head around the concept. But our brains seek to make things more complicated, thus making it harder to change. And we are supposed to be one of the most intelligent lifeform. I am sure ants would get it a whole lot quicker than we do.

If you are finding it tough to change your mindset, I can recommend 'The Attraction Factor' by Joe Vitale. I am reading it for the third time as I am trying to create change in my life right now. Join me in this process of change, and let me know how you get along.

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