Wednesday 11 February 2009

Snow way!

What an odd time it has been. Ten days of deep snow and now treacherous icy roads this morning. For me, it has created a massive amount of extra work looking after the horses, making sure that they have enough hay to eat, as they can't get to the grass through the knee high snow in their fields.

The strange thing is that only a week before the snow, I had been 'complaining' [whinging] of how much work the horses were, and 'moaning' [looking for as much sympathy as I could get] that I was exhausted from the daily drudge of simply caring for their needs. Now, I would kill to be able to walk on solid ground. Last night, I found a 20' strip of grass during my walk. It was like moon walking. I felt light and without gravity. It felt almost magical, after such a long period of walking like a moron, pulling my heavy legs up like corks out of a bottle as I battled through fresh snow dressed like a Yettie. How much I will appreciate the solid earth when the snow has gone.

The dogs love it, but their daily walk has become my new fitness regime. Normally I run 3 - 4 times a week. Now I snow walk. My hips ache, my calves ache, my thighs ache - need I go on [oh dear, am I looking for sympathy again?]. It takes me 2 hours to walk a 1 hour walk, and I crawl back into the house like a lost wanderer returning from an arctic trip! and desperately seeking chocolate when there is none in the house!

One thing for sure is that I wont be moving to Norway any time soon!

Yesterday I managed to get out in the car [hooray] for the first time for over a week. It took a rusty old shovel, buckets of willpower and sheer determination, but it was good to be with people again and be out of my normal environment. It lifted my spirits and raised my motivation levels.

They say a change is as good as a rest, and this week surely confirms that for me. Doing the same - or similar - things day in a day out, and with little human interaction, can be soul destroying.

Change is necessary, sometimes even if it only serves to make us appreciate what we have. When the snow goes I might just run naked round the garden to celebrate - or maybe not, but I sure will take the time to enjoy how wonderful it is to be able to move [whilst I still can!]

What were your experiences with the snow?

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