Thursday 16 April 2009

Beliefs versus inspiration

For many years, I wrote a lot about beliefs. I figured that, to change our lives, all we had to do was change our beliefs. That's still kind of true for me, but over the last few weeks I have been having some different experiences, of the type that has made me question if we actually need beliefs at all.

Some of you that subscribe to my newsletters, know that I often tell stories about how my physical challenges appear to have a dramatic effect on my mental & emotional state. And, I think that my current state of mind has everything to do with my running programme.

I started running in January - for fun. As My fitness improved, I somehow found myself entering races. Having only ever run 3 miles during training, I entered a 10k race and did OK, running the whole way round and I wasn't last. Now, I wanted to stretch myself, and at the weekend admitted to my fiance that I am now considering entering a Marathon in 2010. Oh my god! Did I ever think I would ever have that thought! I thought marathon runners were either bonkers or extraordinary people. I know now that they are just like you and me.

A few weeks ago I developed a hatred for my computer. I spend far too long tapping away on here every day. That week I just couldn't do it. I run an online equestrian products business, and simply completed my orders and then spent the rest of the time appearing to do nothing. It's not as if I haven't done 'nothing' before, but this time I savoured it, I enjoyed every moment and there wasn't a shadow of guilt. It was truly wonderful.

That down time is so important, and I know that it is something that many people would never consider. During that period of reflection, I spent time sitting on my garden wall, watching the lambs and calves with their mums in the fields. The six premature lambs at the back of my house were getting stronger.

They had now formed a 'gang' as lambs inevitably do, and were charging up and down the field. They jumped over the small ditch, leaping in the air, kicking sideways, turning and doing it again. When they were tired they slumped down behind the wall, or collapsed next to mum. I thought to myself that animals are great teachers to show us how we could live, if we were not tied to tradition, money and societal pressures. I turned my thoughts to how I lived my life.

It was at that point that I decided to {try to} give up my beliefs. I stand by my values of honesty, integrity and truth but wanted to explore a life without beliefs. Instead, I decided to allow inspiration to guide me and just see where that went.

It's early days, but I can tell you that my life is moving in a different way. I am calmer, happier and enjoying the flow of seeing what comes next. I don't have an eye on the future anymore, I just enjoy 'right now'. Inspiration has led me to make contact with new people, seemingly out of the blue, and embrace new experiences {good or bad} with passion, playfulness and joy.

Just give it a try. Notice when your beliefs are driving you or limiting you. Once you become aware, then just take a deep breath and allow inspiration to guide you next. It might feel weird at first, but within a short time you will wonder why you never tried it before.

Take care

Tel: 0800 634 3320

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